遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA




游泳 & Diving: 校友, Aquatic Club Members to Compete at Olympic Team Trials

In 1924, before Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana played host to the Olympic Team Trials, the state hosted the event at Broad Ripple Park and featured Johnny Weissmuller, 从1932年到1948年,他在12部电影中饰演泰山,后来又主演了16部“丛林吉姆”电影和26集半小时的电视剧.  韦斯穆勒退役后保持不败,拥有5枚奥运会金牌和67项世界纪录. While no famous actors will be competing at the 2024 trials, 将有多名运动员与日耳曼学院和日耳曼学院水上俱乐部有联系. 

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Track & Field: vwin德赢娱乐 Track 团队 and 校友 Earn Marks at Penn Relays

从周四到周六,来自世界各地的成千上万的人享受着完美的环境参加宾夕法尼亚接力赛. 尽管竞争对手众多,vwin德赢娱乐还是有很好的代表. The Patriots not only had entries in the high school division of races, 但GA也参加了中学女子4x100接力赛,并有一些校友参加.

阅读更多 关于跟踪 & Field: vwin德赢娱乐 Track 团队 and 校友 Earn Marks at Penn Relays